
Hi there, I'm Jessica - experienced writer, colourful hair haver, and tarot reader. Is that how I always know exactly what my client's want? 🔮 Ahh, sorry, that's a trade secret. With years of writing and marketing experience, plus over 4 years at a busy agency, I'm exceedingly good at all things word-related. I've written for every medium for a wide-range of clients, but I'm especially great at:

  • Brand Voice - you know, that page in your branding guidelines that's probably missing right now which is why no one can agree whether or not you use contractions or the Oxford comma, or what you're even supposed to sound like? Yeah. That.
  • Audio Ads - from podcasts to Spotify to traditional radio :30's and this includes helping choose and direct voice talent as well as music.
  • Headline Writing - picking those words that pack a real punch when space might be at a premium such as on billboards or digital ads. Headlines are also great idea starters for whole campaigns.